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Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of Arne Lesterhuis and FAUNA Paraguay.
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·Arne Lesterhuis - Dutch by birth, Arne has been working and traveling in Paraguay ever since 2000 and a fanatical birder ever since he could walk. A qualified wildlife manager, working for Birdlife International, he has also worked for Guyra Paraguay on field projects in all corners of the country. Arne is fascinated by migration patterns, especially those of the dull-coloured migratory shorebirds like plovers and sandpipers, a slightly odd interest for somebody living in an landlocked country… Arne leads cultural tours, Short Breaks and Day trips out of Asunción. He speaks English, German, Dutch and Spanish.
Meet the FAUNA Paraguay Guides: Arne Lesterhuis
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Born: Menaldumadeel (Friesland), Holland, October 10, 1980
Van Hall-Larenstijn, Leeuwarden, Holland, B.Sc Wildlife Management 2006
2009- present Birdlife International Americas Secretariat - Species Technical Officer
2008-2009 Technical Coordinator of Neotropical Waterbird Census (NWC) Wetlands International-LAC - Buenos Aires (Argentina)
2000-2008 Migratory Bird officer, Guyra Paraguay: Conservación de Aves - Asunción (Paraguay)
Lesterhuis, A.J. and Clay, R.P. 2001. First record of Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres for Paraguay. Wader Study Group Bull. 95: 70.
Lesterhuis, A.J. 2002. Note on Nearctic Shorebirds during the Austral winter. Boletín Electrónico El Urutau. No.6, September 2002. Guyra Paraguay.
Lesterhuis, A.J., Clay, R.P. 2003. The first record of Dunlin Calidris alpina in Paraguay and a summary of South American records of the species. El Hornero 18 (1):65-67.
Lesterhuis, A.J., Clay, R.P., E. Cabrera. 2004. Paraguay; Informe Annual 2004. Pp. 74-81 in: López-Lanús, B. y D.E. Blanco (eds). 2005. El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas 2004. Global Series NO. 17. Wetlands Internacional. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Clay, R.P., Lesterhuis, A.J., López, L. 2004. Aves de los humedales del Paraguay. Pp. 175-190 in: D.A. Salas-Dueñas, F. Mereles and A. Yanosky (eds.). Los humedales del Paraguay. Asunción, Paraguay: Comité Nacional de Humedales.
Clay, Robert P., Arne J. Lesterhuis, Juan Klavins. 2004. New records of Grey-breasted Crake Laterallus exilis in Paraguay. Cotinga 22:106-107.
Clay, R.P., Rodas, O., Cabral, H., Lesterhuis, A., Zárate, R. 2004. Use of remote sensing to plan waterbird conservation in the Central Paraguayan Chaco. Pp. 112-121 in: Cardozo, M., Browne, D. & Carbonell, M. (eds.). Upper Paraguay River Basin GIS Database, Expanding the Pilot Project. Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Memphis, TN, USA.
Lanctot, R., J. Almeida, S. Brown, R. Clay, C. Duncan, J. Jorgensen, A. Lesterhuis, and B. Sanderkock. 2005. Coordinated, multi-national efforts to conserve Buff-breasted Sandpipers on their breeding, migration and nonbreeding grounds. U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan Summit. Galveston, Texas.
Lesterhuis, A.J., Morales, C., y López, L. 2006. Paraguay: informe anual. El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas; Una herramienta para la conservación. Wetlands International, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lesterhuis, A.J., . 2007. Paraguay: informe anual. El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas; Una herramienta para la conservación. Wetlands International, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Centrón, S, Lesterhuis, A.J., Morales, C. 2008. Paraguay: informe anual. El Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas; Una herramienta para la conservación. Wetlands International, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lesterhuis, A.J., y J.L. Cartes. 2008. Uso de arroceras por aves acuáticas en el sur de Paraguay: analizando vacíos de información y necesidades de conservación [en línea]. En de la Balze, V.M. y D.E. Blanco (eds.): Primer taller para la Conservación de Aves Playeras Migratorias en Arroceras del Cono Sur. Wetlands International, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lesterhuis, A. J., Clay, R. P. & del Castillo, H. 2008. Status and distribution in Paraguay of the Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis). Flamingo, Bulletin of the IUCN-SSC/Wetlands International Flamingo Specialist Group, 16: p41-45.
Strum, K. M., M. Alfaro, B. Haase, M. J. Hooper, K. A. Johnson, R. B. Lanctot, A. J. Lesterhuis. L. López, A. C. Matz, C. Morales, B. Paulson, B. K. Sandercock, J. Torres-Dowdall & M. E. Zaccagnini. 2008. Plasma cholinesterase for monitoring pesticide exposure in Nearctic-Neotropical shorebirds. Ornitología Neotropical 19(Suppl.): 641-651
Lesterhuis, Arne J., R.P. Clay. 2009. Conservation Plan for Wilson’s Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor). Version 1.0. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts.
Clay, R.P., A.J. Lesterhuis, O. Johnson. 2009. Conservation Plan for the American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica).Version 1.0. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts.
Clay, R. P., A. J. Lesterhuis, S. Schulte, S. Brown, D. Reynolds & T. R. Simons. 2009. Conservation Plan for the American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) throughout the Western Hemisphere. Version 1.0. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts.
Lesterhuis, A.J. & Clay, R.P. 2011. Confirmation of the occurrence of Rufous-chested Dotterel and Semipalmated Plover in Paraguay. Wader Study Group Bull. 118 (2): 127-128.
Lesterhuis, A.J. 2011. Uso de arroceras por aves en el noreste de Argentina. In: Blanco, D.E. y V.M. de la Balze (eds). 2011. Conservación de los recursos acuáticos y la biodiversidad en arroceras del noreste de Argentina. Fundación Humedales / Wetlands International. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Clay, R.P., A.J. Lesterhuis, and S. Centrón. (2012). Conservation Plan for the Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). Version 1.0. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts.