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The Bulletin of the AMNH, published continuously since 1881, consists of longer monographic volumes in the field of natural sciences relating to zoology, paleontology, and geology. Current numbers are published at irregular intervals. The Bulletin was originally a place to publish short papers, while longer works appeared in the Memoirs of the AMNH. However, in the 1920s, the Memoirs ceased and the Bulletin series began publishing longer papers. A new series, the AMNH Novitates published short papers describing new forms.
The AMNH Novitates (Latin for "new acquaintances"), published continuously and numbered consecutively since 1921, are short papers that contain descriptions of new forms and reports in zoology, paleontology, and geology. New numbers are published at irregular intervals.

Complete issues of all the AMNH publications are available by clicking here.

The following is a sample of articles relevant to Paraguayan zoology published in the Bulletin of the AMNH and AMNH Novitates.

Click on the links to read the abstract and download the pdf (some of these files are extremely large and depending on the speed of your connection may take some time to download):
Bulletin AMNH (in chronological order)
1 Chapman FM 1889 - A revision of the genus Xiphorhynchus Swainson, with descriptions of two new species - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 2, article 14. (Ornithology)
2 Chapman FM 1896 - The changes of plumage in the dunlin and sanderling - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 8, article 1 (Ornithology)
3 Chapman FM 1900 - A study of the genus Sturnella - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 13, article 22 (Ornithology)
4 Allen JA 1900 - Note on the generic names Didelphis and Philander - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 13, article 15. (Mammalogy)
5 Allen JA 1901 - New South American Muridae and a new Metachirus - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 14, article 24. (Mammalogy)
6 Allen JA 1902 - A preliminary study of the South American opossums of the genus Didelphis - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 16, article 20. (Mammalogy)
7 Allen JA 1904 - The Tamandua anteaters - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 20, article 33. (Mammalogy)
8 Matthew WD 1908 - Osteology of Blastomeryx ; and phylogeny of the American Cervidae - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 24, article 27. (Mammalogy)
9 Miller WD 1908 - A review of the manakins of the genus Chiroxiphia - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 24, article 19. (Ornithology)
10 Matthew WD 1910 - The phylogeny of the Felidae - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 28, article 26. (Mammalogy)
11 Petrunkevitch A, Lutz FE 1911 - A synonymic index-catalogue of spiders of North, Central and South America : with all adjacent islands, Greenland, Burmuda, West Indies, Terra del Fuego, Galapagos, etc - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 29. (Arachnida)
12 Allen JA 1915 - Notes on American deer of the genus Mazama - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 34, article 18. (Mammalogy)
13 Todd WEC, Chapman FM 1916 - On Dysithamnus mentalis and its allies - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 35, article 29. (Ornithology)
14 Allen JA, Miller LE 1916 - Mammals collected on the Roosevelt Brazilian Expedition, with field notes by Leo E. Miller - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 35, article 30. (Mammalogy)
15 Allen JA, Miller LE, Cherrie GK, Richardson WB 1916 -  New mammals collected on the Roosevelt Brazilian Expedition - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 35, article 27. (Mammalogy)
16 Miller LE, Boyle HE, Girard P 1917 - Field notes on Molothrus bonariensis and M. badius - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 37, article 22 (Ornithology)
17 Chapman FM, Heller E, Cherrie GK, Watkins H, Miller LE, Boyle H 1919 - Descriptions of proposed new birds from Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 41, article 5 (Ornithology)
18 Allen JA 1919 - Notes on the synonymy and nomenclature of the smaller spotted cats of tropical America - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 41, article 7 (Mammalogy)
19 Chapman FM, Watkins H 1923 - The distribution of the motmots of the genus Momotus - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 48, article 2 (Ornithology)
20 Chapman FM, Griscom L 1924 - The house wrens of the genus Troglodytes - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 50, article 4 (Ornithology)
21 Naumberg EMB 1935 - Gazetteer and maps showing stations visited by Emil Kaempfer in eastern Brazil and Paraguay - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 68, article 6 (Cross-spectrum)
22 Tate GHH 1935 - The taxonomy of the genera of neotropical hystricoid rodents - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 68, article 5 (Mammalogy)
23 Naumberg EM 1937 - Studies of birds from eastern Brazil and Paraguay, based on a collection made by Emil Kaempfer. Conopophagidae, Rhinocryptidae, Formicariidae (part). Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 74, article 3 (Ornithology)
24 Naumberg EM 1939 - Studies of birds from Eastern Brazil and Paraguay, based on a collection made by Emil Kaempfer. Formicariidae - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 76, article 6 (Ornithology)
25 Chapman FM 1940 - The post-glacial history of Zonotrichia capensis - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 77, article 8 (Ornithology)
26 Michener CD 1952 - The Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) of the Western Hemisphere : morphology, phylogeny, and classification - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 98, article 5 (Entomology)
27 Fox RM 1956 - A monograph of the Ithomiidae (Lepidoptera). Part 1 - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 111, article 1 (Entomology)
28 Lancaster DA 1964 - Biology of the brushland tinamou, Nothoprocta cinerascens - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 127, article 6 (Ornithology)
29 Gans K 1966 - Studies on amphisbaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). 3, The small species from southern South America commonly identified as Amphisbaena darwini - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 134, article 3 (Herpetology)
30 Rindge FH 1967 - A revision of the Neotropical species of the moth genus Glena (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 135, article 3 (Entomology)
31 Gertsch WJ 1967 - The spider genus Loxosceles in South America (Araneae, Scytodidae). Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 136, article 3 (Arachnida)
32 Vaurie C 1968 - Taxonomy of the Cracidae (Aves) - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 138, article 4 (Ornithology)
33 Gans K 1971 - Studies on amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). 4, A review of the amphisbaenid genus Leposternon - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 144, article 6 (Herpetology)
34 Short LL 1972 - Systematics and behavior of South American flickers (Aves, Colaptes) - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 149, article 1 (Ornithology)
35 Wygodzinsky PW, Coscaro S 1973 - A review of the Mesoamerican and South American black flies of the tribe Prosimuliini (Simuliinae, Simuliidae) - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 151, article 2 (Entomology)
36 Short LL 1975 - A zoogeographic analysis of the South American chaco avifauna - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 154, article 3 (Ornithology)
37 Lanyon WE 1978 - Revision of the Myiarchus flycatchers of South America - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 161, article 4 (Ornithology)
38 Lent H, Wygodzinsky PW 1979 - Revision of the Triatominae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), and their significance as vectors of Chagas' disease - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 163, article 3 (Entomology)
39 Vaurie C, Vuillehumier F 1980 - Taxonomy and geographical distribution of the Furnariidae (Aves, Passeriformes) - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 166, article 1 (Ornithology)
40 Rindge FH 1983 - A generic revision of the New World Nacophorini (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 175, article 2 (Entomology)
41 Belton WH 1984 - Birds of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Part 1, Rheidae through Furnariidae - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 178, article 4 (Ornithology)
42 Belton WH 1985 - Birds of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Part 2, Formicariidae through Corvidae - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 180, article 1 (Ornithology)
43 Miller JS 1987 - Phylogenetic studies in the Papilioninae (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) - Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 186, article 4 (Entomology)
44 Miller JS 1991 - Cladistics and classification of the Notodontidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) based on larval and adult morphology. Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 204 (Entomology)
45 Goloboff PA 1995 - A revision of the South American spiders of the family Nemesiidae (Araneae, Mygalomorphae). Part 1, Species from Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay - Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 224 (Arachnida)
46 Voss RS, Emmons L 1996 - Mammalian diversity in Neotropical lowland rainforests : a preliminary assessment - Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 230 (Mammalogy)
47 Wetterer A, Rockman MV, Simmons NB 2000 - Phylogeny of phyllostomid bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) : data from diverse morphological systems, sex chromosomes, and restriction sites - Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 248 (Mammalogy)
48 Voss RS, Jansa SA 2003 - Phylogenetic studies on didelphid marsupials. 2, Nonmolecular data and new IRBP sequences : separate and combined analyses of didelphine relationships with denser taxon samplings - Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 276 (Mammalogy)
49 Gans C 2005 - Checklist and bibliography of the Amphisbaenia of the world - Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 289 (Herpetology)
50 Faivovich J, Haddad CF, Garcia PC, Frost DR, Campbell JA, Ward WC 2005 - Systematic review of the frog family Hylidae, with special reference to Hylinae : phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision - Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 294 (Herpetology)
51 Weksler M 2006 - Phylogenetic relationships of oryzomine rodents (Muroidea, Sigmodontinae) : separate and combined analyses of morphological and molecular data - Bulletin of the AMNH ; no. 296 (Mammalogy)

AMNH Novitates (in chronological order)
1 Cherrie GK, Reichenberger EMB 1921 - Descriptions of proposed new birds from Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina - American Museum novitates ; no. 27 (Ornithology)
2 Chapman FM 1922 The distribution of the swallows of the genus Pygochelidon - American Museum novitates ; no. 30 (Ornithology)
3 Cherrie GK, Reichenberger EMB 1923 - Descriptions of proposed new birds from Brazil and Paraguay - American Museum novitates ; no. 58 (Ornithology)
4 Brown FM 1929 - A revision of the genus Phoebis (Lepidoptera) - American Museum novitates ; no. 368 (Entomology)
5 Lutz FE, Wheeler WE 1929 - Observations on leaf-cutting ants - American Museum novitates ; no. 388 (Entomology)
6 Brown FM 1931 - A revision of the genus Aphrissa. American Museum novitates ; no. 454 (Entomology)
7 Tate GHH 1932 - The taxonomic history of the Neotropical cricetid genera Holochilus, Nectomys, Scapteromys, Megalomys, Tylomys and Ototylomys - American Museum novitates ; no. 562 (Mammalogy)
8 Tate GHH 1932 - The taxonomic history of the South and Central American akodont rodent genera : Thalpomys, Deltamys, Thaptomys, Hypsimys, Bolomys, Chroeomys, Abrothrix, Scotinomys, Akodon (Chalcomys and Akodon), Microxus, Podoxymys, Lenoxus, Oxymycterus, Notiomys, and Blarinomys - American Museum novitates ; no. 582 (Mammalogy)
9 Tate GHH 1932 - The taxonomic history of the South and Central American cricetid rodents of the genus Oryzomys. Part 1, Subgenus Oryzomys - American Museum novitates ; no. 579 (Mammalogy)
10 Tate GHH 1932 - The taxonomic history of the South and Central American cricetid rodents of the genus Oryzomys. Part 2, Subgenera Oligoryzomys, Thallomyscus, and Melanomys - American Museum novitates ; no. 580 (Mammalogy)
11 Tate GHH 1932 - The taxonomic history of the South and Central American oryzomine genera of rodents (excluding Oryzomys) : Nesoryzomys, Zygodontomys, Chilomys, Delomys, Phaenomys, Rhagomys, Rhipidomys, Nyctomys, Oecomys, Thomasomys, Inomys, Aepeomys, Neacomys and Scolomys - American Museum novitates ; no. 581 (Mammalogy)
12 Tate GHH, de Azara F 1932 - The South American Cricetidae described by Felix Azara - American Museum novitates ; no. 557 (Mammalogy)
13 Tate GHH 1932 - The taxonomic history of the South American cricetid genera Euneomys (subgenera Euneomys and Galenomys), Auliscomys, Chelemyscus, Chinchillula, Phyllotis, Paralomys, Graomys, Eligmodontia and Hesperomys - American Museum novitates ; no. 541 (Mammalogy)
14 Brown FM, Tate GHH 1933 - Notes on the genus Phoebis and the description of a new species - American Museum novitates ; no. 653 (Entomology)
15 Tate GHH 1933 - Taxonomic history of the Neotropical hares of the genus Sylvilagus, subgenus Tapeti - American Museum novitates ; no. 661 (Mammalogy)
16 Naumberg EMB 1933 - A study of Zenaida auriculata - American Museum novitates ; no. 648 (Ornithology)
17 Simpson GG 1934 - Provisional classification of extinct South American hoofed mammals - American Museum novitates ; no. 750 (Mammalogy)
18 Michener CD 1942 - A generic revision of the Heliconiinae (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) -  American Museum novitates ; no. 1197 (Entomology)
19 Michener CD 1943 - Some systematic notes on the Libytheidae (Lepidoptera) - American Museum novitates ; no. 1232 (Entomology)
20 Short L, Unger J 1976 - Notes on a collection of birds from the Paraguayan chaco - American Museum novitates ; no. 2597 (Ornithology)