Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Material on this page was provided by Paul Smith and Alberto Esquivel and is used with their permission.
LITTLE NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus parvulus
Little Nightjar is, as his name suggests, little! It is one of the commonest and most widespread nightjars in Paraguay, being particularly fond of dry semi-open scrub at the edge of woodland. Size is the first good clue towards correctly identifying them. Though they closely resemble many other nightjars in plumage, few are as dimunitive!
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE427PH) Adult male, Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith November 2005).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE428PH) Adult male upperwing, Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith November 2005).
FIGURE 3 - (FPAVE427PH) Adult female Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith September 2006).
FIGURE 4 - (FPAVE430PH) Dorsal view of same individual (Paul Smith September 2006).
FIGURE 5 - (FPAVE431PH) Adult female upperwing, Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith November 2005).
FIGURE 6 - (FPAVE432PH) Adult female roosting, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel undated).
FIGURE 7 - (FPAVE433PH) Same individual as (FPAVE432PH) ventral (Alberto Esquivel undated).
VIDEO - (FPAVE434VI) Adult male, Cerro León, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Paul Smith November 2010).
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 | FIGURE 7 |
Caprimulgus parvulus
1 (FPAVE435RE) Song recorded Fortín Boquerón, Departamento Presidente Hayes (Paul Smith March 2007).
Click the link to hear the call. Longer versions of this call can be downloaded from the Paraguay page of our partner website Xeno-Canto - the largest collection of freely downloadable Neotropical bird calls available online.