Carabids are largely terrestrial beetles that generally run rapidly but fly poorly. It is the largest of the beetle families in the suborder Adephaga consisting of between 20 and 30,000 described species. Many species are black, but metallic colouration is common in the family and the wing cases are frequently ribbed or striated. The antennae are usually filiform and the mandibles are powerful. In general they are predators of other insects and act to control pest populations. Some species are capable of producing unpleasant substances as a defence against predators. Most species are nocturnal, but the Tiger Beetles of the subfamily Cicindelinae are often diurnal.
Sawada H. & J. Wiesner. 2000. The Tiger Beetles of Paraguay. Coleoptera 4: 285-325.
Departmental distribution after author. EN = Endemic to Paraguay. *= in image gallery.
ENCtenostoma schmalzi paraguayensis Nidek, 1956 - ITA
Ctenostoma ichneumoneum ellipticum Naviaux, 1998 - GUA
*Phaeoxantha cruciata (Brullé, 1847) - CON, ITA, SPE
Phaeoxantha limata (Perty, 1830) - APA, CON, ITA
Phaeoxantha bucephala Horn, 1909 - BOQ
Tetracha femoralis Perty, 1830 - CAN, GUA, ITA
Tetracha distinguenda Dejean, 1831 - BOQ, CEN, CON, COR, GUA, ITA, PHA
*Tetracha cyanea (Horn, 1905) - BOQ, GUA, PHA
Tetracha pseudodistinguenda (Horn, 1905) - APY, BOQ, CEN, CON, COR, GUA, ITA, PHA
Tetracha horni Ruge, 1892 - CEN, CON
Tetracha affinis brevisulcata Horn, 1907 - APY, BOQ, PHA
Tetracha bilunata (Klug, 1834) - AMA, CON
Tetracha pilosipennis (Mandl, 1958) - BOQ, CAZ, CAN, CON
Tetracha fulgida (Klug, 1834) - AMA, BOQ, CAN, CEN, CON, COR. GUA, MIS, PAR, PHA, SPE
Tetracha chacoensis Sawada & Wiesner, 1997 - APY, BOQ
Tetracha lafertei Thomson, 1857 - AMA, CON, GUA
*Tetracha brasiliensis Kirby, 1818 - AMA, BOQ, CAZ, CEN, CON, COR, GUA, ITA, MIS, PAR, SPE
Tetracha sobrina longipennis Chaudoir, 1865 - CON
EN Oxycheila pochoni Mandl, 1953 - AMA, CON, PAR
Oxycheila pinelii Guérin-Menéville, 1843 - ITA
Oxycheila labiata Brullé, 1837 - CON, GUA
Iresia lacordairei Dejean, 1831 - CAA, GUA
Prepusa miranda (Chaudoir, 1843) - CAA, CON, GUA
Cheilonycha auripennis angustedilatata Horn, 1922 - AMA, CAA, CON, GUA, SPE
Odontocheila nitidicollis (Dejean, 1825) - GUA
Odontocheila rutilans (Klug, 1834) - AMA, SPE
Odontocheila fulgens (Klug, 1834) - CEN, CON
Odontocheila chrysis (Fabricius, 1801) - AMA, BOQ, CAA, CAZ, CAN, CEN, CON, GUA, ITA, PHA, SPE
Pentacomia degandei (Tatum, 1851) - AMA
Pentacomia (Mesochila) brasiliensis (Dejean, 1825) - AMA, CEN, CON
Pentacomia (Mesochila) discrepans (Horn, 1893) - AMA, CON, SPE
ENPentacomia (Poecilochila) drechseli Sawada & Wiesner, 1997 - AMA, CAN, CON
Pentacomia (Poecilochila) cupricollis (Kollar, 1836) - AMA, CAN, CEN, CON, COR, GUA, PAR
Pentacomia (Poecilochila) rhytidopteroides (Horn, 1906) - APY, BOQ, CEN, CON, PHA
Pentacomia (Mesacanthina) reductesignata (Horn, 1905) - BOQ, CEN, COR, GUA, PHA
Pentacomia (Mesacanthina) punctum (Klug, 1834) - AMA, CAA, CAN, CAZ, CEN, CON, COR, GUA, MIS, SPE
Cylindera confluentesignata (Horn, 1915) - GUA, PAR, PHA
Cylindera (Plectographa) sinuosa (Brullé, 1937) - CEN
Cylindera (Plectographa) apiata clausseni (Putzeys, 1845) - AMA, CAN, CON, COR, ITA, PAR
Brasiella (Gaymara) chlorosticta (Kollar, 1936) - AMA, CAN, CON, GUA, ITA
Brasiella minarum (Putzeys, 1845) - APA, AMA, COR
Brasiella dolosulaffinis Mandl, 1963 - APY, AMA, BOQ, CEN, CON, COR, GUA, MIS, PAR, PHA, SPE
Brasiella banghaasi (Horn, 1907) - BOQ
Brasiella obscurella (Klug, 1829) - APA, GUA
Brasiella cuyabaensis Mandl, 1970 - AMA, CON
Brasiella aureola aureola (Klug, 1834) - CAA, CON, GUA, SPE
Brasiella argentata argentata (Fabricius, 1801) - BOQ
Brasiella argentata pseudoargentata Mandl, 1963 - AMA, APA, APY, CAA, CAZ, CAN CEN, CON, COR, GUA, MIS, PAR, SPE
Hypothetical species
Tetracha sobrina punctata Castelnau, 1835
Tetracha sobrina sommeri (Chaudoir, 1850)
Tetracha martii (Perty, 1830)
Oxycheila femoralis Castelnau, 1833
Pentacomia (Poecilochila) ventralis (Dejean, 1825)
Pentacomia (Mesacanthina) cribata chalceola (Bates, 1872)
Cicindelidia rufoaenea (Horn, 1915)
Cylindera obsoletesignata (Horn, 1915)
Cylindera (Plectographa) mixtula (Horn, 1915)
Brasiella (Gaymara) rotundatodilatata (Horn, 1925)
Click on the images to enlarge them.
Thanks to Carlos Aguilar Julio for identifying the images on this page.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this page were taken by Paul Smith and Pier Cacialli and are used with their permission.
GALLERY 1: Tiger Beetles Cicindelinae
FIGURE 1a - Phaeoxantha cruciata - Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith February 2010).
FIGURE 1b - Tetracha cyanea - Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith October 2008).
FIGURE 1c - Tetracha brasiliense - Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith October 2008).
FIGURE 1d - Odontocheila sp. - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Pier Cacciali April 2008).
FIGURE 1e - Tetracha sp. - Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Jon Smit January 2010).
FIGURE 1f - Tetracha sp. - Fortín Toledo, Departamento Boquerón (Paul Smith February 2015).
FIGURE 1g - Tetracha sp. - Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith February 2010).
GALLERY 2: Other Carabidae
FIGURE 2a - Brachinus sp. (Subfamily Brachininae, Tribe Brachinini) - Laguna Capitán, Departamento Presidente Hayes (Paul Smith March 2015).
FIGURE 2b - Pheropsophus aequinoctialis (Subfamily Brachininae, Tribe Brachinini) - Itabó Itaipú Reserve, Departamento Alto Paraná (Paul Smith November 2008).
FIGURE 2c - Calosoma granulatum (Subfamily Carabinae) - Itabó Itaipú Reserve, Departamento Alto Paraná (Paul Smith November 2008).
FIGURE 2d - Leptotrachelus sp. (Subfamily Ctenodactylinae, Tribe Odocanthinini) - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith August 2008).
FIGURE 2e - Glyptogrus sp. (Subfamily Scaritinae, Tribe Scaritini) - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith November 2009).