Thanks to Hector Vera Alcaraz for identifying the images in this gallery.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law. Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this page were taken by Paul Smith, Teatske Nieuborg, Lindsey Deignan and Hugo del Castillo and are used with their permission.
 | FIGURE 1a |
 | FIGURE 1b |
 | FIGURE 1c |
 | FIGURE 1d |
 | FIGURE 1e |
 | FIGURE 1f |
 | FIGURE 1g |
FIGURE 1a - Astyanax asuncionensis - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith January 2008).
FIGURE 1b - Astyanax cf. asuncionensis - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Lindsey Deignan May 2008).
FIGURE 1c - Astyanax sp. - Fuerte Olimpo, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Paul Smith September 2006).
FIGURE 1d - Astyanax sp. - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith March 2007).
FIGURE 1e - Astyanax sp. - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith March 2007).
FIGURE 1f - Criolle Salmon Brycon orbygnianus - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith December 2008).
FIGURE 1g - Hemigrammus cf marginatus - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Lindsey Deignan May 2008).
A large and diverse family containing some of the smallest species in Paraguay as well as large sport fish such as the Dorado and the infamous Piranhas. Characins can usually be identified by the presence of an "adipose fin", a small fleshy fin situated on the upperside between the dorsal fin and tail.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
 | FIGURE 2a |
 | FIGURE 2b |
 | FIGURE 2c |
 | FIGURE 2d |
 | FIGURE 2e |
 | FIGURE 2f |
 | FIGURE 2g |
 | FIGURE 3a |
 | FIGURE 3b |
 | FIGURE 3c |
 | FIGURE 3d |
 | FIGURE 3e |
 | FIGURE 3f |
FIGURE 2a - Bryconamericus sp. - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Lindsey Deignan May 2008).
FIGURE 2b - Bryconamericus sp. - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Lindsey Deignan May 2008).
FIGURE 2c - Bryconamericus sp. - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Lindsey Deignan May 2008).
FIGURE 2d - Ologosarcus oligolepis - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith November 2007).
FIGURE 2e - Pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus juvenile - Bahía Negra, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Teatske Nieuborg 2007).
FIGURE 2f - Pygocentrus nattereri - Asunción "La Expo", Departamento Central (Paul Smith July 2007).
FIGURE 2g - Pygocentrus nattereri - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith March 2010).
FIGURE 3a - Dorado Salminus brasiliensis - Fuerte Olimpo, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Paul Smith September 2006).
FIGURE 3b - Dorado Salminus brasiliensis - Rio Apa, Departamento Concepción (Hugo del Castillo 1999).
FIGURE 3c - Serrasalmus marginatus - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith January 2008).
FIGURE 3d - Serrasalmus marginatus juveniles - Bahía Negra, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Teatske Nieuborg 2007).
FIGURE 3e - Tetragonopterus argenteus - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith January 2008).
FIGURE 3f - Tetragonopterus argenteus - Fuerte Olimpo, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Paul Smith September 2006).