Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Material on this page was provided by Paul Smith, Sylvia Qu, Myriam Velázquez and Alberto Esquivel and is used with their permission.
Bounding around the tree-tops in noisy groups giving their harsh, grating call, the Three-striped Flycatcher is a distinctive species. Taking a quick glance in the field guide however you may think this to be a ridiculous statement given its similarity in plumage to the Social Flycatcher and the larger kiskadees. However, trust me, there is no need to concentrate on throat colour, or lengths and widths of head bands to tell the two species apart - they vocalise and behave very differently!
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE2139PH) Adult ventral, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith March 2008).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE2140PH) Adults, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael, Departamento Itapúa (Sylvia Qu June 2008).
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 | FIGURE 2 |
Conopias trivirgata
1 (FPAVE2141RE) duet recorded PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith March 2007).
2 (FPAVE2142RE) variant call recorded Estancia Kanguery, PN San Rafael, Departamento Itapúa (Alberto Esquivel January 2007).
3 (FPAVE2143RE) song recorded Di Tore, PN San Rafael, Departamento Itapúa (Alberto Esquivel January 2007).
4 (FPAVE2144RE) calls recorded Itabó Itaipú, Departamento Alto Paraná (Alberto Esquivel January 2007).
Click the link to hear the call. Longer versions of this call can be downloaded from the Paraguay page of our partner website Xeno-Canto - the largest collection of freely downloadable Neotropical bird calls available online.