GREATER ANI Crotophaga major
Unlike his smaller cousin the Smooth-billed Ani the Greater Ani is a secretive inhabitant of bushy areas near water and as such is difficult to observe. Its worth persisting though because he is a handsome bird, with an extremely long tail and metallic blue sheen to his upperparts. Adults can be identified by their white iris, but be aware that juveniles often have a dark eye and should be identified by their shape. Greater Anis are migrant, visiting Paraguay in the summer.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE403PH) Adult ventral, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel December 2007).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE404PH) Adult, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith December 2006).
FIGURE 3 - (FPAVE405PH) Same individual (Paul Smith December 2006).
VIDEO - (FPAVE406VI) Adult, Cerro León, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Paul Smith November 2010).
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 | FIGURE 2 |
 | FIGURE 3 |
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Material on this page was provided by Paul Smith, Myriam Velázquez and Alberto Esquivel and is used with their permission.
Crotphaga major
1 (FPAVE407RE) Song recorded PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Myriam Velázquez November 2001).
2 (FPAVE408RE) Song recorded PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Myriam Velázquez November 2001).
Click the link to hear the call. Longer versions of this call can be downloaded from the Paraguay page of our partner website Xeno-Canto - the largest collection of freely downloadable Neotropical bird calls available online.