GREAT DUSKY SWIFT Cypseloides senex
This is a large swift with bold white facial markings. The species has a peculiar affinity for waterfalls where they may gather in huge numbers to roost and nest. Watching the swifts gather to roost at dusk at Salto del Monday before streaming down into the spray to cling to the slippy rock faces is a glorious spectacle that is bound to impress.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE1349PH) Adult in flight, Salto del Monday, Departamento Alto Paraná (Clyde Morris October 2008).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE1350PH) Adult in flight, Salto del Monday, Departamento Alto Paraná (Paul Smith October 2008).
FIGURE 3 - (FPAVE1351PH) Adult at rest, Salto del Monday, Departamento Alto Paraná (Paul Smith October 2010).
FIGURE 4 - (FPAVE2550PH) Adults at rest, Salto del Monday, Departamento Alto Paraná (Matt Denton October 2010).
FIGURE 5 - (FPAVE1352PH) Roosting birds, Salto del Monday, Departamento Alto Paraná (Paul Smith October 2010).
FIGURE 6 - (FPAVE1353PH) Flock in flight, Salto del Monday, Departamento Alto Paraná (Paul Smith October 2008).
VIDEO - (FPAVE1354VI) Roosting birds, Salto del Monday, Departamento Alto Paraná (Paul Smith October 2010).
Cypseloides senex
1 (FPAVE1355RE) Wing sounds of birds flying low overhead at dusk recorded Aguara-Ñu, Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve, Departamento Canindeyú (Juan Mazar Barnett November 1997).
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Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Material on this page was provided by Paul Smith, Clyde Morris, Matt Denton and Juan Mazar Barnett and is used with permission.