| FIGURE 1 |
 | FIGURE 2 |
 | FIGURE 3 |
 | FIGURE 4 |
FIGURE 1 - Tiger Daggerwing Marpesia chiron - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel December 2007).
FIGURE 2 - Tiger Daggerwing Marpesia chiron - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith February 2008).
FIGURE 3 - Ruddy Daggerwing Marpesia petreus - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel December 2007).
FIGURE 4 - Ruddy Daggerwing Marpesia petreus - IBIS collection, Universidad de Pilar, Departamento Ñeembucú (Paul Smith September 2007).
The Daggerwings are a handsome and eye-catching group of Biblids, recognisable by their bold dorsal patternation, cryptic underwing and long, dagger-shaped forewings. Daggerwings are not commonly encountered, they tend to fly high and are difficult to catch. They are not nectar feeders, but are attracted to rotten fruit, dung and other strong-smelling food sources - meaning that most specimens are caught in traps rather than with hand nets. All Paraguayan members of this subfamily belong to the tribe Cyrestini.
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Click on the species links to access the FAUNA Paraguay Handbook of Paraguayan Fauna Species Account.
Thanks to Ezequiel Nuñez-Bustos for assistance with butterfly identification.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this page taken by Paul Smith and Alberto Esquivel and are used with permission.
Special thanks to Ulf Drechsel for permission to use images from his site www.pybio.org.