Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of Hugo del Castillo and FAUNA Paraguay.
Pdfs provided for personal use and research purposes.
·Hugo del Castillo - Born in Asunción on 18 March 1960, Hugo is a Paraguayan ornithologist with a life-time of field experience and co-author of the Checklist of the Birds of Paraguay, the Atlas of the Birds of Paraguay and the mini field-guide series. Hugo. Though his day job is as a mechanical engineer he also maintains the Guyra Paraguay Biodiversity Database which gives him an unrivalled knowledge of animal distribution in Paraguay. Having travelled the length and breadth of the country in search of animals in the past 15 years, Hugo is the man to turn to when it comes to finding the most sought after species, he has seen 620 of the 710 species found in Paraguay within the country´s borders.
Hugo leads a variety of birding and general interest tours out of Asunción, especially when the destinations are remote. He speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese and basic Japanese.
Meet the FAUNA Paraguay Guides: Hugo del Castillo
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Smith P, Cacciali P, Scott N, del Castillo H, Pheasey H, Atkinson K 2014. First record of the globally-threatened Cerrado endemic snake Philodryas livida (Amaral, 1923) (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) from Paraguay, and the importance of the Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca to its conservation. Cuadernos de Herpetologia 28: online first version.
Smith P, Pérez N, Derna R, Colmán A, del Castillo H, Álvarez A 2014. On the presence of Rusty-margined Flycatcher Myiozetetes cayanensis in Paraguay. Alauda 82: 71-72.
del Castillo, H. Kruchowski, S., Castillo, L., Allende, S., Krauczuk, E. 2012. Distribution of Eupetomena macroura (Gmelin, 1788) (Apodiformes: Trochilidae) in Paraguay and other new species records for Misiones Province, Argentina. Atualidades Ornitológicas 170: p12-15.
Smith P, del Castillo H, Clay R, 2011. Nuevos registros y primera documentacion de Thraupis palmarum en Paraguay. Nuestras Aves 56: p35-37.
Smith, P., R. D. Owen, K. Atkinson, H. del Castillo, and E. Northcote-Smith. 2011. First records of the Southern Naked-tailed Armadillo Cabassous unicinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cingulata: Dasypodidae) in Paraguay. Edentata, 12:53-57.
Bodrati, A. y del Castillo, H. 2008. Descripción de un nido de la yacupoí (Penelope superciliaris) en el bosque atlántico de Paraguay. Revista Nuestras Aves, 53: p9-11.
Lesterhuis, A. J., Clay, R. P. & del Castillo, H. 2008. Status and distribution in Paraguay of the Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis). Flamingo, Bulletin of the IUCN-SSC/Wetlands International Flamingo Specialist Group, 16: p41-45.
Cockle, K., G. Capuzzi, A. Bodrati, R. Clay, H. del Castillo, M. Velázquez, J. I. Areta, N. Fariña, & R. Fariña 2007. Distribution, abundance, and conservation of the Vinaceous Amazon in Argentina and Paraguay. Journal of Field Ornithology 78: p21-39.
Esquivel M., A., M. C. Velázquez, A. Bodrati, R. Fraga, H. del Castillo, J. Klavins, R. P. Clay, A. Madroño & S. J. Peris 2007. Status of the avifauna of San Rafael National Park, one of the last large fragments of Atlantic forest in Paraguay. Bird Conservation International 17: p301-317.
Smith P, Batjes H, del Castillo H, Wainwright B 2006. Estancia Laguna Blanca: Paraguay´s forgotten treasure. Boletin SAO 16: p93-99.
Smith P, del Castillo H 2006. Common Tern Sterna hirundo A New Species for Paraguay. Bellbird 1: p35-37.
Smith P, del Castillo H, Batjes H, Wainwright B 2006 - Confirmation of Breeding of Eleothreptus candicans at Estancia Laguna Blanca, Paraguay, with Some Notes on Field Identification and Threats at the Site. Bellbird 1: p38-43.
Smith P, Betuel A, Batjes H, Centrón S, del Castillo H 2006. An avifaunal inventory of Parque Nacional Teniente Agripino Enciso, Departamento Boquerón, northern Paraguay. FAUNA Paraguay Technical Publication 4.
Smith P, del Castillo H, Bankovics A, Hansen L, Wainwright B 2006. An avifaunal inventory of San Rafael "National Park", Departamento Itapúa, southern Paraguay. FAUNA Paraguay Technical Publication 3.
Smith P, del Castillo H, Batjes H, Montiel M, Wainwright B 2005. An avifaunal inventory of Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro, northeastern Paraguay. FAUNA Paraguay Technical Publication 2.
Smith P, del Castillo H, Batjes H, Betuel A, Montiel M, Nossent R, Onley D, Wainwright B, Wechsler S 2005. An avifaunal inventory of Hotel Tirol, Departamento Itapúa, southern Paraguay. FAUNA Paraguay Technical Publication 1.
Bodrati, A. & del Castillo, H. 2004. El tataupá listado o mokoi kokoé (Crypturellus undulatus) en las áreas protegidas del chaco argentino y situación en Paraguay. Revista Nuestras Aves 47: p21-23.
Bodrati, A., del Castillo, H. & J. Klavins. 2004. Nuevos registros del Aguilucho Jote (Buteo albonotatus), con comentarios sobre su presencia y distribución en el norte de Argentina y Paraguay. Nuestras Aves 47: p28-30.
Mazar Barnett, J., Klavins, J., del Castillo, H., Coconier E, & Clay, R. 2004. Nothura minor (Tinamidae) a globally threatened Cerrado species new to Paraguay. Ararajuba 12: p55-57.
Various articles in the popular magazine El Urutaú <> from 2006 to date.
Guyra Paraguay 2004. Lista Comentada de las Aves de Paraguay. Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Paraguay. Asunción, Paraguay. 200 pp. Compilación: Hugo del Castillo y Rob Clay.
Guyra Paraguay 2005. Atlas de las Aves de Paraguay. Asunción, Paraguay. 212 pp. Compilación: Hugo del Castillo y Rob Clay.
Narosky, T., Yzurieta, D. 2006. Guía para la identificación de las Aves de Paraguay. 239 pp. Colaboración especial: Robert P. Clay, Hugo del Castillo, Marie de Bernard.
Guyra Paraguay 2006. Biodiversidad del Río Paraguay. Guyra Paraguay-Transbarge Navegación, Asunción. Capítulo 4 Peces del río Paraguay: Héctor Vera, Hugo del Castillo, Capítulo 5 Aves del río Paraguay: Cristina Morales, Rob P. Clay, Hugo del Castillo.
Guyra Paraguay 2007. Guía de los Patos de Paraguay. Asunción, Paraguay. Compilación de datos y textos: Hugo del Castillo.
De La Peña M.R. 2010. Guía de Nidos de Aves del Paraguay. Adaptación para Paraguay: Hugo del Castillo y Arne Lesterhuis.