In the interests of stimulating and supporting scientific research in San Rafael National Park ECOSARA is happy to make its facilities available to professional scientists and doctoral students, providing a safe and secure environment for the performance of investigations and studies of the local fauna. Such visitors can count on the full support of ECOSARA and its staff during their stay.
A reduced rate of US$650 per calendar month or US$25 per day all inclusive is offered to foreign researchers who wish to use ECOSARA as the base for their fieldwork. This includes full usage of the comfortable installations, surrounded by wildlife and with the most extensive forest in Paraguay on your doorstep. We´ll feed you and give you a bed for the night, so that all you have to worry about is your own research! To see where you will be staying click here.
In order to qualify for this reduced price applicants must present the following in advance:
1 A detailed project plan explaining their methods, the possible implications of their work and the importance of their research.
2 A current curriculum vitae (CV).
3 A letter or other form of proof of backing by a recognised institution.
4 Proof that they have complied with all the legal requirements as requested by the Paraguayan government.
Upon acceptance visiting academics will also be expected to comply with the following requisites during their stay:
1 Give a brief presentation about their work to staff and volunteers present at the time of their visit for educational purposes.
2 Co-operate with the ECOSARA biodiversity database project by agreeing to leave copies of raw data, photographs, recordings and other non-specimen material accumulated during fieldwork at the station. Such material will be used for reference only.
3 Provide a copy of any publication or thesis arising out of their work for the ECOSARA library.
4 Work with the assistance of volunteers where feasible.
5 Acknowledge the role of ECOSARA in their publications to assist with our goal to bring San Rafael to the world´s attention.
The price paid by visiting researchers is to cover costs during the stay with a small contribution to Pro Cosara for conservation purposes. The price includes three daily meals , non-alcholic drinks and accommodation. It does not include transport to or within the reserve, booze, travel insurance or flights to Paraguay.
We hope you will agree that the opportunity to work in an area almost completely ignored by researchers in the past is too good to pass up and will join us in our quest to thoroughly document the flora and fauna of San Rafael National Park.
Up for it?!
Applications to become a Visiting Researcher at ECOSARA should be made by email to
We look forward to meeting you!
Designed by Paul Smith 2007. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay, Pro Cosara and ECOSARA.
Photographs are used with the knowledge of the photographers
and may not be used for any other purpose without prior written permission from FAUNA Paraguay, Pro Cosara and ECOSARA.