Entomology is the study of insects, an enormously diverse and successful group of invertebrates. Such a huge number of species of insects occur in Paraguay that nobody has ever dared to put a figure on it, but entomologists predict that only a tiny fraction of the insect species on earth have been formally described and so think twice before you swat that annoying fly buzzing around your ears, it could be a new species! We also actively study other invertebrate groups in our extensive inventory work.
We dont pretend that we will be able to produce a list of all the insect species in Paraguay, and the identification of the countless tiny flies, bugs and ants that inhabit the country is way beyond our level of expertise!. By working closely with established experts in the field we aim to produce a photographic record of the larger insects and other invertebrates in Paraguay. We also aim to provide a framework by which start-out entomologists can begin to classify the insects and arachnids that they find. We contribute data and collaborate closely with database projects such as the World Hawkmoth catalogue run by the British Natural History Museum and Kim Garwood´s online photographic database Neotropical Butterflies.
A post is open for a qualified entomologist willing to cover his or her own costs to work here full time in close association with FAUNA Paraguay gathering and publishing data on this subject. Longer term the cataloguing and description of new species is something that we will work towards.
If you are interested in helping out in entomological surveys and field work in Paraguay FAUNA Paraguay runs a series of volunteer schemes. Volunteer schemes can be adapted to suit volunteer interests, with posts available in community education for Spanish-speaking volunteers.
To assist with the building of our knowledge of Paraguayan entomology we welcome visitors to Paraguay to send in photographs, lists and observations of interest from their visits to Paraguay. Such material will be used in the construction of the online FAUNA Paraguay database. We are also available to help with any queries or identification problems that you may have encountered during your trip, though of course you will get more out of your visit if you have an expert  guide!

Click here for links to other sites relevant to entomology in Paraguay.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law. Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay. Photographs on this web-site were taken by Paul Smith, Hemme Batjes, Regis Nossent,
Alberto Esquivel, Arne Lesterhuis, Rebbeca Zarza, José Luis Cartes and Hugo del Castillo and are used with their permission.