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GREY-HEADED TANAGER Eucometis penicillata
Groups of this noisy tanager roam the subhumid forests of the northern Oriental region, scolding at passers-by. They are handsome birds, despite their simple colouring, and possess and expressive crest which they raise when singing.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE2729PH) Adult lateral, Arroyo Tagatiya, Departamento Concepción (Paul Smith August 2011).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE2730PH) Adult dorsal, Arroyo Tagatiya, Departamento Concepción (Paul Smith August 2011).
FIGURE 3 - (FPAVE2731PH) Adult ventral, Arroyo Tagatiya, Departamento Concepción (Paul Smith August 2011).
VIDEO - (FPAVE2732VI) Adult singing, Arroyo Tagatiya, Departamento Concepción (Paul Smith August 2011).