Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
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Material on this page was provided by Paul Smith and is used with permission.
Three species in two families occur in Paraguay. The Caecilians are legless, earthworm-like amphibians with cylindrical, segmented bodies and short tails. The eyes are greatly reduced or absent and a small sensory tentacle is present on the side of the head. The two Paraguayan families have quite different lifestyles, the Caeciliaidae being subterranean and the Typhlonectidae aquatic, though the latter family has previously been considered a subfamily of an enlarged Caecilidae. The left lung is greatly reduced and the vertebrae are amphicoelous. Ribs are abundant and small, curved teeth are present with varying degrees of development. Fertilisation is internal by virute of an everted cloaca (phallodeum) present in males. Skull is compact with several fusions.
The following skeletal characteristics are present in the two Paraguayan families but are not necessarily representative of the order worldwide. The mouth is recessed and the premaxillae are fused with the nasals. Septomaxillae, prefrontal and postfrontals are absent. The squamosal articulates with the frontal and the pterygoids are fused with the maxillopalatines. Columella firmly articulates with the quadrate.
Cei JM 1980 - Amphibians of Argentina - Monitore Zoologico Italiano Monografia 2
Fouquette MJ (undated) - Synopsis of Recent Amphibians to Genus - Arizona University
Whitfield P Ed.1984 - Longman Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia - Guild Publishing, London.
Key to Adults of Paraguayan Caecilians
1a Sensory tentacle equidistant between eye and nostril. Segments poorly-defined. Few body segments (<80). Aquatic habits. - Chthonerepton indistinctum
1b Sensory tentacle closer to eye than to nostril. Segments poorly defined or clearly defined with deep creases. Many body segments (>100). Terrestrial habits, occurring in moist forest soils. - 2
2a Body segments c116, well-defined by deep, complete creases. - Siphonops paulensis
2b Body segments c131, poorly defined and often broken along the mid-line. - Luetkenotyphlus brasiliensis