Thanks to Pier Cacciali for identifying the species featured on this page.
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Material on this page was provided by Daniel Hoops and is used with permission.
BRAZILIAN KEELBACK Helicops infrataeniatus
An aquatic snake found in the eastern Oriental region of Paraguay. This is a variable species that dark is blackish-olive above and typically yellowish-white below with slightly darker ventro-lateral lines. However, a few unusual individuals (like the one in FPREP450PH - FPREP451PH) show a strong red colouration on the venter. They feed mainly on aquatic vertebrates such as frogs and fish, supplemented with crustacea and other aquatic invertebrates.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
 | FIGURE 1 |
 | FIGURE 2 |
FIGURE 1 - (FPREP450PH) Adult of rare red-bellied form, PN Cerro Corá, Departamento Amambay (Daniel Hoops April 2010).
FIGURE 2 - (FPREP451PH) Same individual ventral view (Daniel Hoops April 2010).