Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this web-site were taken by Paul Smith, Hemme Batjes, Regis Nossent,
Alberto Esquivel, Arne Lesterhuis, Rebecca Zarza, José Luis Cartes and Hugo del Castillo and are used with their permission.
SNAKE-NECKED TURTLE Hydromedusa tectifera
No prizes for guessing where this turtle earned his common name! This is an Atlantic Forest species, feeding by walking along the bed of forested streams where it eats snails, small fish and carrion. It is a large species, easily recognised on account of its distinctive carapace shape and head pattern.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPREP6PH) Dorsal with neck extended, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 2 - (FPREP7PH) Lateral view of same individual with neck retracted (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 3 - (FPREP8PH) Lateral view of same individual with neck extended (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 4 - (FPREP9PH) Frontal view of same individual (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 5 - (FPREP10PH) Underside of neck of same individual (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 6 - (FPREP11PH) Defensive posture of same individual (Sylvia Qu June 2008).
FIGURE 7 - (FPREP12PH) Dorsal carapace of same individual (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 8 - (FPREP13PH) Ventral carapace of same individual (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 9 - (FPREP14PH) Lateral carapace of same individual (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 10 - (FPREP15PH) Posterior carapace of same individual (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 11 - (FPREP16PH) Forefoot of same individual (Paul Smith June 2008).
FIGURE 12 - (FPREP17PH) Hindfoot of same individual (Sylvia Qu June 2008).
FIGURE 13 - (FPREP18PH) Juvenile with neck extended, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Sylvia Qu July 2008).
FIGURE 14 - (FPREP19PH) Frontal of same individual (Sylvia Qu July 2008).
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 | FIGURE 2 |
 | FIGURE 3 |
 | FIGURE 4 |
 | FIGURE 5 |
 | FIGURE 6 |
 | FIGURE 7 |
 | FIGURE 8 |
 | FIGURE 9 |
 | FIGURE 10 |
 | FIGURE 11 |
 | FIGURE 12 |
 | FIGURE 13 |
 | FIGURE 14 |