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This Superfamily is represented by two families in Paraguay, the Gymnophthalmidae and the Teidae. The Lacertoidea are ground-dwelling lizards characterised by the presence of a pre-articular crest. The parietals extend forward into fossae on the ventral surface of the frontals.
There are seven Paraguayan species in this exclusively Neotropical family, classified into five genera Bachia, Cercosaura, Colobosaura, Micrablepharus and Vanzosaura. They are skink-like lizards, known commonly as "Spectacled Lizards" or "Microteiids". The lower eyelid is transparent, so they can still see even with the eyes closed. Members of this family have the frontals fused forming a single bone which extends over the dorsal surface of the parietals. There is no parietal foramen. Anterior nasal scales are separated by 1 or 3 frontonasal scales. The xiphisternum is fused to the sternum. Other features are as for the Teidae, of which they were previously considered a subfamily.
Key to Adults of Paraguayan Spectacled Lizards
1a Lacking hindlegs and with forelegs vestigial ........................................................................ Bachia bresslaui
1b With both hindlegs and forelegs well-developed ........................................................................................ 2
2a Body covered with smooth scales both dorsally and ventrally ................................................................... 3
2b Body covered with keeled scales .................................................................................................................. 4
3a Dorsal and lateral body longitudinally striped black-and-white, contrasting with bright red tail .......................................................................................................................................... Vanzosaura rubricauda
3b Dorsal brown, with broad dark lateral stripe edged paler, contrasting with bright blue tail .................................................................................................................................. Micrablepharus maximiliani
4a Head not clearly defined with body, appearing almost "neckless". No eyelids. ...................................... 5
4b Head clearly defined from body, with obvious neck. Lower eyelids transluecent. ................................ 6
5a Interparietal and parietal scales of the same width ................................................ Colobosaura kraepelini
5b Interparietal scale thinner than parietal. .................................................................... Colobosaura modesta
6a Dorsal scales rectangular. ..................................................................................... Cercosaura ocellata petersi
6b Dorsal scales hexagonal. ............................................................................................ Cercosaura schreibersii
There are nine Paraguayan species in this exclusively Neotropical family, classified into six genera Ameiva, Cnemidophorus, Dracaena, Kentropyx, Teius and Tupinambis. Fast-moving, ground-dwelling lizards, they include some of the largest and most familiar of Paraguayan species. Teiids have a single fused frontal bone. The jugals and squamosal contact each other, or in some cases almost meet. The upper arch is complete or nearly so. Ectopterygoid excludes the maxilla from the margin of the suborbital opening. Vomers are elongate and splenial is much reduced. There are no osteoderms and the dorsal scales are small and granular.
Fouquette MJ (unpublished) - Synopsis of Recent Reptiles to Genus - Arizona University
Smith P, Cacciali P, Atkinson K, Kaalberg A, Pheasey H 2011 - Nuevos Registros de Gymnophthalmidae (Reptilia: Sauria) de la Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro, Paraguay y Una Clave para las Especies Paraguayas - Notulas Faunisticas 2da Serie 81.
Whitfield P Ed.1984 - Longman Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia - Guild Publishing, London.