FAUNA Paraguay Useful Ornithological Links
The following links are relevant to Ornithology in Paraguay and the Neotropics. It is a selective list of the best websites. Links should work directly, if they do not try typing them manually and please report the faulty link to us so that we can fix it! If you have a relevant webpage and would like to swap links with us please contact us!

Useful pages by South American Country:

http://www.avespatagonia.com.ar Organisation involved in ornithological studies in Patagonia.
http://www.avesargentinas.org.ar/ Aves Argentinas. Argentinean Birdlife International partner, publishes the Hornero journal.
http://www.falklandsconservation.com Falklands Conservation Falklands Birdlife International Partner
http://www.avesdelapatagonia.com.ar/ Images, voices and descriptions of Patagonian birds
http://www.fotosaves.com.ar/Aves.html Images of Argentinean Birds
http://www.grupofalco.com.ar/ Grupo Falco Publishes an online newsletter El Garganchillo
http://wikiaves.com.ar/ Photographic website containing images of over 60% of the species found in the country.
http://www.pbase.com/james_lowen Great photos of Argentinian and Chilean birds amongst others!

http://www.armonia-bo.org/  Armonia Bolivian Birdlife International Partner
http://www.ecobolivia.org/ Foundation Eco Bolivia
http://www.bolivianbeauty.com/ Birding localities in Bolivia
http://www.birdbolivia.com/ Information for visiting birdwatchers
http://www.ao.com.br/ Atualidades Ornitologicas

http://www.ib.usp.br/ceo/ Centros de Estudios Ornitologicos
http://www.proaves.org.br/ Proaves Brazil
http://www.ibama.gov.br/cemave/ Centro Nacional de Pesquisa para Conservacao das Aves Silvestres
http://www.aves.brasil.nom.br/ Images of birds of Brazil

http://www.avesdechile.cl/ Detailed page of Chilean avifauna with photos and calls to download RECOMMENDED
http://www.birdsofchile.com updates for the Jaramillo Field Guide to the Birds of Chile
http://www.unorch.cl/ Union de Ornitologos de Chile

http://www.proaves.org/sommaire.php?lang=es Pro Aves Colombia

http://www.avesyconservacion.org/ Aves & ConservationEcuadorian Birdlife International Partner

http://www.faunaparaguay.com/iimagesbirds.html The largest collection of Paraguayan bird images online, over half the species represented.
http://paraguaybirds.googlepages.com/ Frank Fragano´s site of bird images from Paraguay RECOMMENDED
Guyra Paraguay. Paraguayan Birdlife International Partner. RECOMMENDED

http://www.avesuruguay.org.uy/ Aves Uruguay. Uruguayan Birdlife International Partner.
http://www.galeon.com/avesuy/ GUPECA Uruguayan bird conservation group.

General Neotropical Ornithology Links:

http://www.natureserve.org/infonatura/ Infonatura Birds of Latin America searchable database with distribution maps

Neotropical Bird Club. British based society that publishes the quarterly journal Cotinga - some issues can be downloaded from the site. FAUNA Paraguay helps promote the club here in Paraguay. RECOMMENDED

Online literature:

http://egizoosrv.zoo.ox.ac.uk/OWL/ OWL is a searchable ornithological literature database, though a little light on Neotropical publications

Directory of open acces journals

http://images.nbii.gov/ Massive databank of biological images worldwide, including some 1300 from Paraguay.

The following websites have downloadable articles relevant to Neotropical ornithology:

www.faunaparaguay.com/journal.html Our own Paraguayan journal - Bellbird. English and Spanish. RECOMMENDED

Urutau the Guyra Paraguay newsletter. Spanish.

www.ornitologiacolombiana.org/ Ornitologia Colombiana. English and Spanish.

http://www.hawaiiaudubon.com/newsletter.html Elepaio the Hawaiian Audubon Society Newsletter. English.

www.unorch.cl/publicaciones.htm Boletín de UNORCH, Chilean publication. Spanish

http://www.ib.usp.br/ceo/bolet/boletim.htm Boletim CEO, a sporadic Brazilian journal. Portuguese, Spanish, English.

http://www.ace-eco.org/index.php Avian Conservation and Ecology. English

http://www.zeledonia.org Zeledonia Costa Rican Ornithology. English and Spanish.

http://www.huitzil.net/ Huitzil Mexican Ornithology. English and Spanish.

www.sao.org.co/publicaciones/boletinsao/Boletin%20sao.htm  Boletin Sociedad Antioquiana de Ornitologia Colombian ornithology. English and Spanish

http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/ SORA downloadable journal archive including Auk, Condor, Wilson Bulletin, Journal of Field Ornithology and Ornitologia Neotropical etc etc. English. RECOMMENDED

http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/dspace/ Publications of the AMNH available for download including AMNH Novitates, Bulletin AMNH, Memoirs AMNH etc. English. RECOMMENDED

http://www.scielo.org Scielo. Large number of downloadable zoological journals relevant to Latin America. Spanish and English. RECOMMENDED

http://www.ararajuba.org.br/ Ararajuba, journal of Sociedade Brasilera do Ornitologia. Portuguese and Spanish

Voice Recordings

http://www.xeno-canto.org Xeno-canto is a massive and growing database of freely-downloadable Neotropical bird calls FAUNA Paraguay contributes its recordings to this highly-commendable project. RECOMMENDED

http://birdix.com/main.htm Photos and voice recordings of the world´s birds.

http://www.birdsounds.nl/ Commercially available bird sound recordings.

http://www.mma.gov.br/ingles/cgmi/cantoave/canto.html Downloadable Brazilian bird calls

http://www.naturesongs.com/CRsounds.html Downloadable Costa Rican bird calls

Lists and Links for Birdwatchers:

http://www.fatbirder.com Fatbirder is a mine of information for birdwatchers including a very detailed links page. Check out the Paraguay section. RECOMMENDED

http://www.bsc-eoc.org/links/ Links page for World birding sites online RECOMMENDED

http://www.ornitaxa.com/SM/SMOrg/sm.html Sibley and Monroe list of the birds of the world.

Sibley and Monroe list of the birds of the world including subspecies RECOMMENDED

The Clements world list in raw text format

Birding site guide for birders, with plenty of Paraguayan sites.

http://www.bsc-eoc.org/avibase/avibase.jsp Avibase list generator for birdwatchers, note that the Paraguay list has numerous errors!

Email these addresses directly with a blank message to subscribe. The links here are not active links to the home pages of the groups.

AVESPARAGUAY-subscribe@gruposyahoo.com.ar Our own listserver posting the latest developments in Paraguayan ornithology. English and Spanish. RECOMMENDED

listserv@listserv.LSU.edu NEORN listserver of the Louisiana State University dealing with Neotropical Ornithology. English and Spanish. RECOMMENDED

Birdingperu-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Peru ornithology listserver. English and Spanish.

Americaves-subscribe@gruposyahoo.com.ar  and AmericavesII-subscribe@yahoogroups.com are non-technical Argentinean bird listservers. Spanish.

Aves_ecuador-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Ecuador ornithology listserver. English and Spanish.

AvesPatagonia-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Patagonian ornithology listserver. Spanish

RNOACOL-subscribe@gruposyahoo.com Colombian ornithology listserver. Spanish.

naturerecordists@yahoogroups.com Listserver for those interested in nature recordings.

averaves-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Uruguayan ornithology listserver. Spanish

obschile-subscribe@gruposyahoo.com.ar Chilean ornithology listserver. Spanish.

Global Organisations:

http://www.conservation.org/ Conservation International

http://www.biodiversityhotspots.org Detailed information on the worlds major biomes

http://www.cites.org/ CITES

http://www.wwf.org/ World Wildlife Fund

http://www.iucnredlist.org/ IUCN Redlist of Threatened species of the world

http://www.birdlife.org Birdlife International promoting the conservation of birds. RECOMMENDED

www.vireo.acnatsci.org/  VIREO image database of world birds

http://www.sp2000.org/ Indexing the world’s known species, currently nearly a one million species listed.

http://www.willgoto.com World Travel Directory

National Organisations:

http://www.salvemoslos.com.py Site highlighting the dangers facing Paraguayan flora and fauna

http://www.mbertoni.org.py/ Fundación Moises Bertoni. Private conservation organisation charged with protection of Mbaracayú Reserve

http://procosara.org PROCOSARA NGO responsible for the conservation of San Rafael National Park

http://www.seam.gov.py/ Secretario del Medio Ambiente (SEAM). Government Environment Ministry.

http://www.sobrevivencia.org.py/ Sobrevivencia. Organisation involved in indigenous rights and conservation issues.

http://www.paraguaysilvestre.org.py/ Paraguay Silvestre. Government conservation initiative

http://www.naturalparaguay.org/ Natural Land Trust

http://www.desdelchaco.org.py/ Fundación Desdel Chaco. Promotes sustainable development in the Chaco

http://www.tierranuestra.org.py/ Tierra Nuestra

http://www.wwf.org.py/ World Wildlife Fund Paraguay

http://www.ippa.org.py/ Instituto Paraguayo de Protección Ambiental

http://www.idea.org.py/ Instituto de Derecho y Economia Ambiental (IDEA). Environmental law organisation.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law. Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay. Photographs on this web-site were taken by Paul Smith, Hemme Batjes, Regis Nossent, Alberto Esquivel, Arne Lesterhuis, Rebecca Zarza, José Luis Cartes and Hugo del Castillo and are used with their permission.