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Six species recorded in Paraguay, in three genera but all belonging to the subfamily Microhylinae Günther 1859. Microhylids are small, terrestrial frogs, sometimes known as "narrow-mouthed frogs" on account of their small mouths. They exhibit 8 free procoelous, holochordal presacral vertebrae, the eighth vertbrae being amphiocoelous with biconvex sacrum (diplasiocoelus). Ribs are absent. The urostyle is free with two condyles. and the pectoral girdle firmisternal. The sternum is cartilaginous and the omosternum is absent. The clavicle is reduced or absent and does not overlie the scapular. Palatines are reduced or absent and prevomer is reduced. Adults are toothless with 2 or 3 glandular folds on palate. Astralagus and calcaneum are fused only at the ends. No intercalary phalanges. The sartorius is a separate and distinct muscle. Pupil round. Aquatic eggs and larvae. 2n=22-28.
Cei JM 1980 - Amphibians of Argentina - Monitore Zoologico Italiano Monografia 2.
Fouquette MJ (undated) - Synopsis of Recent Amphibians to Genus - Arizona University.
Whitfield P Ed.1984 - Longman Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia - Guild Publishing, London.
Key to Adults of Paraguayan Microhylidae
1a Clearly spotted on the dorsum and ventrum. Ventrum not yellow. ........................................................ 2
1b Unspotted, though occasionally with trace of paler mottling on dorsum. Essentially black above, and uniform yellow below with change in colour sharply demarcated laterally. ............................Elachistocleis 4
2a Rounded and flattened. Mustard coloured above with variable black mottling. Dark below with yellow or white spotting. Large. ................................................................................................. Dermatonotus muelleri
2b Slender and small. Dorsally and ventrally grey with scattered white spotting on body and limbs. ........................................................................................................................................................ Chiasmocleis 3
3a Postorbital fold present. Dorsal surface with few, irregularly distributed dermal spines. .................................................................................................................................... Chiasmocleis albopunctata
3b Postorbital fold absent. Dorsal surface with numerous, uniformly distributed dermal spines. ............................................................................................................................................. Chiasmocleis mehelyi
4a Mid-dorsal vertebral line absent ................................................................................... Elachistocleis bicolor
4b Mid-dorsal vertebral line of variable length present ................................................................................... 5
5a Vertebral line yellow reaching or passing the nuchal fold. Chaco only. ....................... Elachistocleis haroi
5b Vertebral line white not reaching the nuchal fold. Northern Orient only. ........... Elachistocleis matogrosso