Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this page were taken by Alberto Esquivel, Loraine Grant and Para La Tierra are used with their permission.
GUIBE´S FLAME SNAKE Oxyrhopus guibei
One of a number of non-venomous snakes that mimic the deadly Coral Snakes of the family Micruridae. This species shares the "triad" pattern of most of the Paraguayan members of the genus Micrurus - it is a tricolour mimic. This is one of the more commonly-encountered and widespread "False Corals" and prefers semi-open areas at forest edge.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
(FPREP257PH) FIGURE 1 - Dark adult head detail, Estancia Kanguery, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel October 2006).
(FPREP258PH) FIGURE 2 - Same individual upperside (Alberto Esquivel October 2006).
(FPREP259PH) FIGURE 3 - Same individual underside (Alberto Esquivel October 2006).
(FPREP512PH) FIGURE 4 - Tricolour adult dorsal, Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Loraine Grant January 2011 - Para La Tierra).
(FPREP513PH) FIGURE 5 - Same individual head detail (Loraine Grant January 2011 - Para La Tierra).
(FPREP514PH) FIGURE 6 - Same individual dorsal head detail (Loraine Grant January 2011 - Para La Tierra).
(FPREP515PH) FIGURE 7 - Same individual ventral (Loraine Grant January 2011 - Para La Tierra).
(FPREP516PH) FIGURE 8 - Same individual ventral head detail (Loraine Grant January 2011 - Para La Tierra).
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