Thanks to Ezequiel Nuñez-Bustos for help with the identification of the images.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006.
This website is copyrighted by law. Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this web-site were taken by Paul Smith and Bernard Oosterbaan and are used with their permission.
 | FIGURE 1 |
 | FIGURE 2 |
 | FIGURE 3 |
 | FIGURE 4 |
 | FIGURE 5 |
 | FIGURE 6 |
 | FIGURE 7 |
 | FIGURE 8 |
 | FIGURE 9 |
 | FIGURE 10 |
 | FIGURE 11 |
 | FIGURE 12 |
FIGURE 1 - Ruby-spotted Swallowtail Heraclides anchisiades - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith April 2007).
FIGURE 2 - Queen Swallowtail Heraclides androgeus male - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith March 2007).
FIGURE 3 - Queen Swallowtail Heraclides androgeus female - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Bernard Oosterbaan March 2008).
FIGURE 4 - Broad-banded Swallowtail Heraclides astyalus male - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith April 2007).
FIGURE 5 - Broad-banded Swallowtail Heraclides astyalus group of males at salt lick - Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith November 2005).
FIGURE 6 - Broad-banded Swallowtail Heraclides astyalus female - Hotel Tirol, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith September 2007).
FIGURE 7 - Hector´s Swallowtail Heraclides hectorides male - Hotel Tirol, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith September 2007).
FIGURE 8 - Hector´s Swallowtail Heraclides hectorides female - Hotel Tirol, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith March 2010).
FIGURE 9 - Thoas Swallowtail Heraclides thoas - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith April 2007).
FIGURE 10 - Thoas Swallowtail Heraclides thoas - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith December 2005).
FIGURE 11 - Thoas Swallowtail Heraclides thoas freshly laid egg - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith December 2005).
FIGURE 12 - Pterourus menatius - Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve, Departamento Canindeyú (Paul Smith October 2008).
Click on the photo to enlarge it to full size.
Click on the species links to access the FAUNA Paraguay Handbook of Paraguayan Fauna Species Account.