Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on thispage were taken by Paul Smith, Alberto Esquivel and Moriz Stiefel and are used with their permission.
On account of the bright red and yellow colouration of many of the species in this fascinating family they are sometimes also given the common name "Fire Bugs". They are medium-sized bugs with triangular heads, a long, four-segmented rostrum and four-segmented antennae. They feed largely on fruits, seeds and sap of plants, particularly those of the family Malvaceae - which includes several commercial species, notably cotton and hibiscus. As a result many species are considered pests.
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 | FIGURE 1 |
 | FIGURE 2 |
 | FIGURE 3 |
 | FIGURE 4 |
 | FIGURE 5 |
 | FIGURE 6 |
 | FIGURE 7 |
 | FIGURE 8 |
FIGURE 1 - Unidentified sp., PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith September 2007).
FIGURE 2 - Dysdercus sp., Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith August 2007).
FIGURE 3 - Dysdercus sp.pair mating, PN Tte Enciso, Departamento Boquerón (Paul Smith October 2007).
FIGURE 4 - Dysdercus sp., PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel February 2008).
FIGURE 5 - Unidentified sp. pair mating, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Moriz Stiefel April 2008).
FIGURE 6 - Unidentified sp., Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 7 - Dysdercus sp., Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 8 - Unidentified sp., Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith February 2010).