Worldwide in distribution but at their most speciose in the Neotropics, the common name refers to the metallic markings on the wings of many of the species. They were formerly considered a subfamily of the Lycaenidae, but most modern classifications afford them familial rank.

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Wing shape and colouration is diverse, some species being brightly-coloured and other dull and brownish with or without intricate patterning. Males have vestigial front legs, with the tarsomeres fused and pretarsi rarely bearing claws, and they are not used for walking. Females have normal-sized and fully functional front legs. The coxa is spine-like and extends to below the articulation point of the trochanter. Metalmarks have a habit of perching on the underside of leaves with the wings held flat. (Scoble 1995).

Life Cycles
Eggs are flattened or dome-shaped. Larvae are onisciform and frequently hairy. Some larvae are associated with ants. (Scoble 1995).

Two subfamilies are present in Paraguay. We currently have images of 27 species in this family.
Click family link below for access to the Image Galleries.

Superfamily Papilionoidea: Family Riodinidae.

Subfamily Euselasiinae (3) Sombremarks

Tribe  Euselasiini

*Orange-legged Sombremark Euselasia eugeon - Patas amarillas
*Euselasia euploea
*Euselasia hygenius

Subfamily Riodininae (24) Metalmarks

Tribe  Mesosemiini
*Little Zebra Leucochimona matatha - Estriada
Eyed False-Satyr Mesosemia odice - Ojitos

Tribe Riodinini
*Tailed Dancer Barbicornis basilis - Coludita
*Calephelis aymaran
*Caria marsyas - Brillantina
*Shiny Lines Chalodeta theodora - Lineas brillantes
*Charis anius
*Black-patched Blue-Metalmark Lasaia agesilas - Hový
*White-spotted Mulatto Melanis aegates Mulata mancha blanca
*Melanis hillapana
*Notheme erota - Redondita
*Parcella amarynthina
*Rhetus periander
*Little Dancer Riodina lysippoides - Danzarína chica

Tribe Emesidini
Reddish Acrobat Emesis diogenia - Diogenia
*Emesis mandana
Dark Acrobat Emesis ocypore - Acróbata morena

Tribe Lemoniini
*Synargis calyce - Ñemi

Tribe Nymphidini
Brown-cornered Tiny Adelotypa bolena - Dimunuta Ápice Pardo
*Aricoris constantius
*Aricoris indistincta
*Aricoris notialis
*Aricoris signata

Tribe Symmachiini

*Mesene celetes

Canals GR 2000 - Mariposas Bonaerenses - LOLA, Buenos Aires.
Canals GR
2003 - Mariposas de Misiones - LOLA, Buenos Aires.
Scoble MJ 1995 - The Lepidoptera: Form, Function and Diversity - Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Smart P 1975 - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly World - Salamander Books, London
Turner D, Stanêk VJ 1992 - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Butterflies and Moths - Select Editions, London.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Special thanks to Ulf Drechsel for permission to use images from his site