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WHITE-CRESTED TYRANNULET Serpophaga subcristata
The White-crested Tyrannulet is a winter visitor to Paraguay when it can be quite numerous, even in urban areas. They are restless, active feeders, rarely still for more than a second, taking a variety of tiny insects both in flight and gleaned from foliage. It is part of a recently described cryptic species complex with the recently decsribed Straneck´s Tyrannulet Serpophaga griseicapilla.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE796PH) Adult, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Sylvia Qu June 2008).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE797PH) Adult, PN Tte Enciso, Departamento Boquerón (Paul Smith July 2006).
FIGURE 3 - (FPAVE798PH) Adult, PN Tte Enciso, Departamento Boquerón (Paul Smith July 2006).
FIGURE 4 - (FPAVE799PH) Adult showing white crest, PN Tte Enciso, Departamento Boquerón (Paul Smith July 2006).
FIGURE 5 - (FPAVE800PH) Same individual as (FPAVE799PH) upperwing (Paul Smith July 2006).
VIDEO A - (FPAVE801VI) Same individual as (FPAVE799PH) (Paul Smith July 2006).
VIDEO B - (FPAVE802VI) Adult singing on a rainy day, Salto del Guairá. Deparatmento Canindeyú (Paul Smith October 2010).
Identification of non-vocalising Serpophaga tyrannulets is difficult. Typically this species has an unbroken supercilium and a white crest bordered black that is sometimes visible in the field. The crest can be hidden, but its presence is diagnostic.
Serpophaga subcristata
1 (FPAVE803RE) Calls from a pair recorded Aguara-Ñu, Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve, Departamento Canindeyú (Juan Mazar Barnett November 1997).
Click the link to hear the call. Longer versions of this call can be downloaded from the Paraguay page of our partner website Xeno-Canto - the largest collection of freely downloadable Neotropical bird calls available online.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Material on this page was provided by Paul Smith, Sylvia Qu and Juan Mazar Barnett and is used with their permission.