Click on the photo to enlarge it to full size.
Click on the species links to access the FAUNA Paraguay Handbook of Paraguayan Fauna Species Account.
Many thanks to Ulf Drechsler and Ian Kitching for identifying the moths in this image gallery.
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law. Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay. Photographs on this page were taken by Paul Smith and are used with their permission.
 | FIGURE 1a |
 | FIGURE 1b |
 | FIGURE 1c |
 | FIGURE 1d |
 | FIGURE 1e |
 | FIGURE 1f |
 | FIGURE 1g |
 | FIGURE 1h |
Gallery 1 Agrius and Cocytius
FIGURE 1a - Agrius cingulatus (Tribe Acherontiini) - PN Teniente Enciso, Departamento Boquerón (Paul Smith upper July 2006, lower October 2008).
FIGURE 1b - Cocytius antaeus (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 1c - Cocytius antaeus (Tribe Sphingini) mating pair - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith July 2009).
FIGURE 1d - Cocytius antaeus (Tribe Sphingini) female - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith July 2009).
FIGURE 1e - Cocytius antaeus (Tribe Sphingini) hindwing detail - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith July 2009).
FIGURE 1f - Cocytius duponchel male (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 1g - Cocytius duponchel female (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 1h - Cocytius lucifer (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
 | FIGURE 4a |
 | FIGURE 4b |
 | FIGURE 4c |
 | FIGURE 4d |
 | FIGURE 4e |
 | FIGURE 4f |
 | FIGURE 4g |
 | FIGURE 4h |
Gallery 4 Manduca
FIGURE 4a - Manduca janira (Tribe Sphingini) - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith March 2008). First record of the species in Paraguay.
FIGURE 4b - Manduca lefeburii (Tribe Sphingini) - Hotel Tirol, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith October 2007).
FIGURE 4c - Manduca lichenea (Tribe Sphingini) - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith September 2008).
FIGURE 4d - Manduca lucetius (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 4e - Manduca manducoides (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 4f - Manduca rustica (Tribe Sphingini) - PN Tte Enciso, Departamento Boquerón (Paul Smith October 2008).
FIGURE 4g - Manduca rustica (Tribe Sphingini) - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith April 2008).
FIGURE 4h - Manduca sexta (Tribe Sphingini) - left PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael, right Hotel Tirol, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith left September 2008, right May 2007).
 | FIGURE 2a |
 | FIGURE 2b |
 | FIGURE 2c |
 | FIGURE 2d |
 | FIGURE 2e |
 | FIGURE 2f |
Gallery 2 Manduca
FIGURE 2a - Manduca albiplaga (Tribe Sphingini) - Mbaracayú Biosphere Reserve, Departamento Candindeyú (Paul Smith October 2008).
FIGURE 2b - Manduca albiplaga (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 2c - Manduca contracta (Tribe Sphingini) - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith September 2008).
FIGURE 2d - Manduca corumbensis (Tribe Sphingini) - Estancia Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro (Paul Smith October 2008).
FIGURE 2e - Manduca corumbensis (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 2f - Manduca diffisa (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
 | FIGURE 3a |
 | FIGURE 3b |
 | FIGURE 3c |
 | FIGURE 3d |
 | FIGURE 3e |
 | FIGURE 3f |
Gallery 3 Manduca
FIGURE 3a - Manduca florestan (Tribe Sphingini) - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith January 2008).
FIGURE 3b - Manduca florestan (Tribe Sphingini) - left PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael, right IBIS Collection, University of Pilar (Paul Smith left January 2008, right Septmber 2007).
FIGURE 3c - Manduca fosteri (Tribe Sphingini) - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith November 2007).
FIGURE 3d - Manduca hannibal (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 3e - Manduca incisa (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 3f - Manduca incisa (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
 | FIGURE 5a |
 | FIGURE 5b |
Gallery 5 Neococytius and Neogene
FIGURE 5a - Neococytius cluentus (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).
FIGURE 5b - Neogene dynaeus (Tribe Sphingini) - Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, San Lorenzo (Paul Smith August 2009).