We are very grateful to Dr Sergio Ibañez-Bernal for the identification of the images
Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this page were taken by Paul Smith are used with permission.
 | FIGURE 1 |
 | FIGURE 2 |
 | FIGURE 3 |
 | FIGURE 4 |
 | FIGURE 5 |
 | FIGURE 6 |
FIGURE 1 - Unidentified sp. - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith October 2007).
FIGURE 2 - Unidentified sp. - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith September 2007).
FIGURE 3 - Unidentified sp. - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith March 2010).
FIGURE 4 - Unidentified sp. - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith September 2007).
FIGURE 5 - Unidentified sp. - Encarnación, Departamento Itapúa (Paul Smith April 2010).
FIGURE 6 - Unidentified sp. - PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith April 2010).
A family of 1500 or so species usually associated with wetland habitats or areas near water. Adults are found close to larval habitats which are invariably moist. These flies are usually wasp-like in form (some actually mimic wasps) with some metallic colouration and extremely large eyes that dominate the head. They are lethargic flies, typically resting with the wings folded over each other over the abdomen.
Adult characteristics include a three-segmented antennae with annulated terminal segment. Lower orbital bristles, post-vertical orbital bristles and vibrissae are all absent. Proboscis is short and mazxillary palps with one or two segments. Wings have dical cell small or absent. The anal cell is closed and there is no sub-apical cell. The costa does not extend around the entire wing. Sub-costa reaching the costa independently of vein 1, or joins vein 1 close to where it joins the costa. the leading edge veins often markedly stronger than the rest. Vein 6 present and reaching the wing margin. Vein 7 present not reaching. Tibiae without spurs.
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