Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Photographs on this web-site were taken by Paul Smith, Hemme Batjes, Regis Nossent,
Alberto Esquivel, Arne Lesterhuis, Rebecca Zarza, José Luis Cartes and Hugo del Castillo and are used with their permission.
SWALLOW TANAGER Tersina viridis
Stunning electric blue the male Swallow Tanager easily catches the eye. For many years this species was placed in the Thraupidae with the true tanagers, however its unique wide-based bill structure and flycatcher-like behaviour is quite different to other members of that group and so it was moved to its own family Tersinidae. Its true affinities remain uncertain to this day and are further complicated by the fact that the Thraupidae has now been split up into several smaller units following DNA evidence!
FIGURE 1 - Adult male ventral view, Estancia Kanguery, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel undated - ECOSARA Biodiversity Database).
FIGURE 2 - Adult male ventral view, Estancia Kanguery, PN San Rafael (Alberto Esquivel November 2006 - ECOSARA Biodiversity Database).
FIGURE 3 - Same individual dorsal view (Alberto Esquivel November 2006 - ECOSARA Biodiversity Database).
FIGURE 4 - Immature male ventral view, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith November 2007 - ECOSARA Biodiversity Database).
FIGURE 5 - Same individual dorsal view (Paul Smith November 2007 - ECOSARA Biodiversity Database).
FIGURE 6 - Flock preparing for movement, PROCOSARA, PN San Rafael (Paul Smith November 2007 - ECOSARA Biodiversity Database).
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