Designed by Paul Smith 2006. This website is copyrighted by law.
Material contained herewith may not be used without the prior written permission of FAUNA Paraguay.
Material on this page was provided by Paul Smith, Arne Lesterhuis and Frank Fragano and is used with their permission.
Year after year internationally-important numbers of this handsome, warmly-coloured sandpiper pass through the Bahía de Asunción. Here they feed in short grass areas, usually shunning the water so favoured by other members of their family. You shouldn´t have too many problems identifying him, he is both a distinctive shape and a distinctive colour. Just sit back and enjoy him as he goes about his business.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE2601PH) Adult lateral view, Bahía de Asunción, Departamento Central (Arne Lesterhuis undated).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE2602PH) Adult ventral view, Bahía de Asunción, Departamento Central (Frank Fragano undated).
FIGURE 3 - (FPAVE2603PH) Adult ventral view, Bahía de Asunción, Departamento Central (Arne Lesterhuis undated).
FIGURE 4 - (FPAVE2604PH) Adult rear view, Bahía de Asunción, Departamento Central (Frank Fragano undated).
VIDEO - (FPAVE2605VI) Pair, Bahía de Asunción, Departamento Central (Paul Smith October 2007).
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