XENOPSARIS Xenopsaris albinucha
Closely-related to the Becards, and indeed often mistaken for one, the Xenopsaris is found mainly in the Chaco where it is an uncommon inhabitant of waterside habitats with dense surrounding vegetation. Despite the fact that this is the only Xenopsaris, it sometimes goes by the long-winded name of White-naped Xenopsaris.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
FIGURE 1 - (FPAVE1897PH) Pair (female left, male right), near Bahía Negra, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Teatske Nieuborg 2007).
FIGURE 2 - (FPAVE1898PH) Adult male, near Bahía Negra, Departamento Alto Paraguay (Teatske Nieuborg 2007).
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 | FIGURE 2 |
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